Saturday, January 3, 2009


Oh the havoc a 2.5 year old can wreck within 20 minutes of getting out of bed........


Anonymous said...

Isn't this what they are supposed to do?

Miss Chris said...

yep, looks familiar! Not much better with a five year old either! Fun pic!!

Dr. Fatty said...

was that a clear setting twenty minutes earlier?

Erin said...

Oh was clean as a whistle.

Sarah C. (my4hens) said...

LOL I Have been there!! Great photo!

Chreamps said...

Or a 16 year old (just different toys) LOL! Great pic of everyday life!

Meg said...

Great photo. Such a cute everyday moment to capture. I can sympathize with you on the havoc little boys can wreak.

Shiona said...

Thanks for showing me what I have to look forward to :)

Anonymous said...

LOL! I so remember those days and guess what? It doesn't get better when they're teenagers! Great photo!

Anonymous said...

How funny. . . look at his face, he's like "WHAT DID I DO?"