Friday, July 4, 2008

Is this Wrong?

Is it bad that I had one of these for lunch??


joz said...

I think I saw on the news yesterday that one of those is 1600 calories.

Erin said...

So what....your saying I'm fat? sob...


So I guess it probably is wrong....sigh.

Dr. Fatty said...

Before May 17, 2008 I would have had one of each of those, along with lunch. Now, probably one every year.

Erin said...

Good point.....I have one every 6 months or so. And they are damn good.

To counter act the effects I had green beens, grilled chicken, salad and rice for dinner. I feel balanced.

Anonymous said...

Only if it's wrong that I had a peanut buster parfait for dinner on Wednesday!LOL